Kids' TV Toys

Whenever a new, successful kids' television show comes along, you can bet that a line of toys is right around the corner.

Kids Toy Bin

Let's think back to the early 1980s and remember the classic Masters of the Universe series. We all remember the show, and many of us probably still have the opening monologue somewhat memorized: "I am Adam, Prince of Eternia, defender of the secrets of Castle Greyskull...". Magic times for kids during that one! The toys were very detailed and there were a lot of them.

Kids Toy Bin

Another hugely successful series was (is) the Transformers. The first wave came around in 1984 and was an instant hit; so big, in fact, that the generation of children around today is enjoying another go-around with them. There have also been two movies out in the last couple years, and another one on the way.

How about the GoBots? Did anyone know that they actually reached the market BEFORE the Transformers? You'd never know it, because the Transformers totally dominated them in terms of sales.

Even in a short article such as this, I need to mention Star Wars toys, of course. Has there been a larger following for any other toys over the last 30 years? There are thousands and thousands of collectors of Star Wars toys, and some of the original, unopened ones can surely command some high dollars. You'll notice that kids today are still playing with Star Wars toys, as this series is one that just seems to cross generations with ease.

Kids' TV Toys
Kids Toy Bin

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